What is the Average Household Income in Suffolk County, NY?

Residents aged 25 to 44 are the most populous demographic in Suffolk County, New York. With 1,522,998 people, it is the fourth most populous county in the state of New York out of a total of 62 counties. It is bordered by Nassau County (New York), Fairfield County (Connecticut), Bronx County (New York), Queens County (New York), and Westchester County (New York). Bronx County has 1,468,262 residents and Nassau County has 1,391,678 residents.

Suffolk County is an ideal starting point for research on New York demographics. With the most up-to-date information available, it is easy to get an accurate picture of the average household income in Suffolk County. The median household income in Suffolk County is $93,845. This figure is slightly higher than the median household income for New York State as a whole, which is $62,765. The median household income for Suffolk County has increased by 4.3% since 2017. The average household size in Suffolk County is 2.6 people.

This figure is slightly lower than the average household size for New York State as a whole, which is 2.7 people. The average household size in Suffolk County has decreased by 0.2% since 2017. The poverty rate in Suffolk County is 8.2%. This figure is slightly lower than the poverty rate for New York State as a whole, which is 14%. The poverty rate in Suffolk County has decreased by 0.3% since 2017. In conclusion, Suffolk County has a higher median household income than the state of New York as a whole and a lower poverty rate than the state of New York as a whole.

The average household size in Suffolk County is slightly lower than the average household size for New York State as a whole.

Tiffany Konkel
Tiffany Konkel

Amateur analyst. Typical pop cultureaholic. Incurable coffee fanatic. Devoted reader. Avid pizza lover. Foodaholic.