Mentorship Programs in Suffolk County NY: A Guide to Making a Difference

Are you looking for a way to make a difference in your community and help young people in Suffolk County, NY? The New York State Mentoring Program is here to help. This intersectoral movement prioritizes relationships and creates opportunities for young people wherever they are, from schools to workplaces and beyond. Terry Paladini-Baumgarten, economist, international consultant and banking advisor, former international banker and professor of international relations at Lions Clubs International, founded DR2 and was the former president of the Lions Club of the Financial District of New York. The mission of the New York State Mentoring Program is to promote equity and close the mentoring gap through quality mentoring relationships for young people.

This program leverages resources from communities, schools, and businesses to connect young people with trained and selected volunteer mentors. The program is managed by a program director and eight program staff members located in different regions of the state. They provide training and support to dedicated adults and high-achieving high school students who are paired with students from the school program and youth who participate in the judicial system. Before the program ended in 1995, it had reached more than 10,000 students across the state. It connected thousands of teens to a network of highly trained mentors to help them succeed in school, graduate, and advance in the world of work as engaged and socially responsible citizens.

The successful New York State Mentoring Program evaluated and trained volunteers and linked them to children in their communities as a way to prevent high school dropout. If you want to make a difference in your community, you can join the movement by collaborating with Congress and other influential people in your communities. Ask them to prioritize relationships with young people so that they can have access to quality mentorship programs. By doing this, you can help create positive change for young people in Suffolk County. The New York State Mentoring Program is an excellent way for individuals to get involved in their local community and make a real difference in the lives of young people. By joining forces with Congress and other influential people in your community, you can help ensure that young people have access to quality mentorship programs that will help them succeed in school, graduate, and advance in their careers.

Tiffany Konkel
Tiffany Konkel

Amateur analyst. Typical pop cultureaholic. Incurable coffee fanatic. Devoted reader. Avid pizza lover. Foodaholic.